If you're considering crown lengthening, Cornerstone Dentistry by Dr. Benjamin Bunt is the place to go. Dr. Bunt and his team are experts in the field, and they'll make sure your procedure is done perfectly.

Crown lengthening is a great way to improve the look of your smile, and it can also be used to correct some dental issues. With Dr. Bunt's help, you'll get the perfect results you're looking for.

Crown lengthening is a dental procedure that removes excess gum tissue and bone from around the teeth. This can be done for aesthetic reasons, to improve the smile's appearance, or for functional reasons, to improve the bite's function.

There are many benefits of crown lengthening. It can also help improve the bite's function by making it easier to chew and speak. Additionally, crown lengthening can make it easier to keep the teeth clean and free of cavities.

If you are interested in learning more about crown lengthening, contact us today at Cornerstone Dentistry and schedule your appointment now!

Crown lengthening treatment is typically done in two stages. First, the dentist will numb the gums and surrounding tissues with local anesthesia. Next, they will make incisions in the gum tissue and remove excess tissue or bone.

How Does Crown Lengthening Work?

Crown lengthening is a dental procedure that removes excess gum tissue and bone from around the teeth. An oral surgeon or periodontist usually performs the procedure.

First, the dentist will numb the area around the teeth with local anesthesia. Then, they will make incisions in the gum tissue and remove excess tissue. Next, they will use a drill to remove extra bone around the teeth. Finally, they will close the incisions with sutures and apply a dressing.

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